
Chandraprabha Bati (L.S.Y), 50 Tablets


Chandraprabha Bati is made with herbal and ayurvedic ingredients which are high in nutrition value like; Guggulu, Sudh Shilajit, Harre, Bahera, Amla, Haldi, Dalchini, Tejpatra, Giloy and many more other herbs, that are combined together to produce Chandraprabha Bati. Chandraprabha vati is extremely effective against urinary tract infection, urinary calculi or painful urination. Chandraprabha Vati or as colloquially termed Chandraprabha Gulika or Chandraprabha is rich with anti-inflammatory properties which make it useful for handling a multitude of ailments of the urinary tract, kidney, pancreas, thyroid gland, bones, joints and back pain.

चंद्रप्रभा बाटी को हर्बल और आयुर्वेदिक अवयवों से बनाया जाता है जो पोषण मूल्य में उच्च होते हैं जैसे; गुग्गुलु, सुध शिलाजीत, हरे, बहेड़ा, आंवला, हल्दी, दालचीनी, तेजपात्रा, गिलोय और कई अन्य जड़ी-बूटियाँ, जिन्हें एक साथ मिलाकर चंद्रप्रभा बाटी का उत्पादन किया जाता है। चंद्रप्रभा वटी मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण, मूत्र पथरी या दर्दनाक पेशाब के खिलाफ बेहद प्रभावी है। चंद्रप्रभा वटी या बोलचाल की भाषा में चंद्रप्रभा गुलिका या चंद्रप्रभा एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुणों से भरपूर होती है जो इसे मूत्र पथ, किडनी, अग्न्याशय, थायरॉयड ग्रंथि, हड्डियों, जोड़ों और पीठ दर्द की कई बीमारियों से निपटने के लिए उपयोगी बनाती है।

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Did You Know

The yellow color of urine comes from a substance called urochrome. Urine is usually a pale yellow, but it may deepen sometimes, such as first thing in the morning. Very dark yellow can be a warning sign of dehydration.


Chandraprabha Bati is helpful in removing harmful AMA (i.e., toxins) like urea, creatinine and uric acid from the body. It promotes the healthy functioning of the kidney by supporting the excretion of excess uric acid and maintaining the healthy uric acid level in the kidneys, thereby preventing gout.

Ayurvedic View

Helps in urinary tract infections and related troubles

    • It helps both male and female in reproductive system related problems.
    • Helpful in removing harmful AMA (i.e., toxins) like urea, creatinine and uric acid from the body.
    • Helpful in weakness, pain in (legs, back and neck), anaemia and vertigo.
    • Helps to restore the youth and that’s why the name is ‘Chandraprabha Vati’.
    • Helpful in managing sugar levels and hence combats frequent urination.
    • Helps in the healthy functioning of the kidney, by supporting the excretion of excess uric acid and maintaining the healthy uric acid level in the kidneys.
    • Chandraprabha Vati strengthens the urinogenital systems and is useful in maintaining sugar levels and treating urinary treat infection.



1 to 2 tablets should be taken with cow milk or freshwater or according to the doctor’s advice.


1 to 2 tablets should be taken with cow milk or freshwater or according to the doctor’s advice.

Additional information

Net Quantity

25 Tab., 50 Tab., 100 Tab.

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