Collection: Skin Care
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Mahamarichyadi tail
Indication: This is an Antiseptic & Fungicide oil, Useful in skin diseases such as Scabies, Pruritis, Psoriasis, Ulcers & Septic...
From Rs. 85.60 Rs. 107.00Rs. 85.60Rs. 85.60 Rs. 107.00 -
My Store
Indications: Blood purifier, useful in Leprosy, Gout & diseases due to blood impurity such as itching etc. Dose: 3 to...
Rs. 142.00 Rs. 158.00Rs. 142.00Rs. 142.00 Rs. 158.00 -
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Raktashodhak syrup
Indication: A Herbal blood purifier for all types of skin diseases, Glows face, Effective treatment for pimples, Acne and Skin...
From Rs. 152.00 Rs. 154.00Rs. 152.00Rs. 152.00 Rs. 154.00 -
My Store
Indication: Blood purifier, Relieves Biliary troubles, Useful in skin diseases. Dose: 3 to 6 teaspoonful with equal water twice a...
Rs. 183.00 Rs. 172.00Rs. 183.00Rs. 183.00 Rs. 172.00 -
My Store
Raktamrit syrup
Indications: A traditional Ayurvedic formulation that helps maintain skin health through the systemic blood purification process. Raktamrit contains herbs like...
Rs. 224.00 Rs. 249.00Rs. 224.00Rs. 224.00 Rs. 249.00 -
Raktamrit tablet - 60 tab.
Indication: Particularly useful for skin diseases. Cleanses the blood by cleansing contaminated blood. Effective in pimples, boils, etc. Dose: 1...
Rs. 201.00 Rs. 224.00Rs. 201.00Rs. 201.00 Rs. 224.00 -
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Sarivadi salsa supreme- for all kind of skin diseases
Did You Know Our stomach produces a new layer of mucous for every two weeks and protects the stomach and...
Rs. 261.00 Rs. 290.00Rs. 261.00Rs. 261.00 Rs. 290.00 -
My Store
Did You Know Our stomach produces a new layer of mucous for every two weeks and protects the stomach and...
Rs. 126.00 Rs. 140.00Rs. 126.00Rs. 126.00 Rs. 140.00 -
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Aloe vera juice
Aloe Vera Juice is a versatile nutritious and healthy juice made from real Aloe Vera leaves. It contains the nutrients...
Rs. 292.00 Rs. 325.00Rs. 292.00Rs. 292.00 Rs. 325.00 -
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Amla juice
Amla Juice has multiple health benefits. Amla is one of the most widely acclaimed medicinal herbs and revered for its...
Rs. 201.00 Rs. 224.00Rs. 201.00Rs. 201.00 Rs. 224.00 -
Kanaksaar 30 ml for skin care
Did You Know Organic Wheat Germ Oil and Carrot Oil, Both oils are used not just for their physical benefits...
Rs. 909.30 Rs. 1,299.00Rs. 909.30Rs. 909.30 Rs. 1,299.00 -
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Chalmogra tuvrak tel
Indication: Antiseptic & Antileprotic Ayurvedic oil. Very useful in leprosy, wounds, scabies & other skin diseases. Dose: Clean hands after...
From Rs. 118.00 Rs. 132.00Rs. 118.00Rs. 118.00 Rs. 132.00