Collection: General Health Care
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Siddha makardhwaj special no. 1 (s.m.y.)
Indication: This is the best medicine in the world, a physical strength enhancer, it is a rasayan drug to strengthen...
From Rs. 845.00 Rs. 939.00Rs. 845.00Rs. 845.00 Rs. 939.00 -
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Dard vinashak tel
Indication: Massage of this oil is beneficial in all types of gout disorders like rheumatism, arthritis, back pain, sprains, muscle...
From Rs. 106.40 Rs. 133.00Rs. 106.40Rs. 106.40 Rs. 133.00 -
My Store
Badam tel
Indication: Gives Strength to the brain and nervous, reduces blood cholesterol. Good for constipation. It is a natural skin softener...
From Rs. 101.00 Rs. 113.00Rs. 101.00Rs. 101.00 Rs. 113.00 -
Did You Know Our stomach produces a new layer of mucous for every two weeks and protects the stomach and...
Rs. 141.30 Rs. 157.00Rs. 141.30Rs. 141.30 Rs. 157.00 -
My Store
Asgandha churna
Indication: Useful in weakness, sleeplessness, sexual weakness, and a rasayan which gives inner strength. Dose: 3-6 gm. twice daily with...
From Rs. 107.10 Rs. 119.00Rs. 107.10Rs. 107.10 Rs. 119.00 -
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Ashwagandhadi churna
Helpful in impotency and general debility. वीर्यवर्द्धक, मस्तिष्क को शान्ति प्रदान करने वाला, पुष्टिकारक एवं वीर्य विकार नाशक औषधि है।...
From Rs. 72.00 Rs. 81.00Rs. 72.00Rs. 72.00 Rs. 81.00 -
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Shakti vardak pey
Sharmayu Shaktiverdhak Pey is an Ayurvedic health drink crafted to naturally enhance energy, vitality, and strength. Made from a powerful...
From Rs. 173.70 Rs. 193.00Rs. 173.70Rs. 173.70 Rs. 193.00 -
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Swarn kalpamrit avleha
Product Description: Swarna Kalpamrit Avleh is a recipe that has been passed down through generations, originating from ancient traditions. This...
Rs. 2,155.00 Rs. 2,395.00Rs. 2,155.00Rs. 2,155.00 Rs. 2,395.00 -
My Store
Badam pak
Indication: Eliminate the weakness of mind and heart, enhances strength, radiance on face and memory. Dose: With 10 to 20...
Rs. 316.00 Rs. 352.00Rs. 316.00Rs. 316.00 Rs. 352.00 -
My Store
Indication: Breathing, cough, blood disorders, ophthalmology, heart disorders and nutritious and useful for children. Use: As per requirement. मधुरिका गुणधर्म:...
From Rs. 27.20 Rs. 34.00Rs. 27.20Rs. 27.20 Rs. 34.00 -
My Store
Each 10 gm. contains: Moti pishti (Formulation) 200 mg, Chandi Vark (Silver leaves) 150 mg , Jaha mohra khatai pishti...
Rs. 144.00 Rs. 161.00Rs. 144.00Rs. 144.00 Rs. 161.00 -
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Chandnoshir pey
Indication: An ayurvedic concoction combining ayurvedic expertise and traditional herbs to make it extremely beneficial particularly in summers and dry...
From Rs. 152.10 Rs. 169.00Rs. 152.10Rs. 152.10 Rs. 169.00