Collection: Diabetes
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Dynex gold 60 capsule
Indication: Diabetes is known as Madhumeha and is classified as a Kapha type of disorder. Ayurveda identifies 20 types of...
Rs. 749.00 Rs. 833.00Rs. 749.00Rs. 749.00 Rs. 833.00 -
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Basant kusumakar ras (s. a. y.)
Indication: It is a traditional ayurvedic medicine useful for Diabetes, regulate blood sugar level, Rejuvenative, increases resistance power General debility,...
Rs. 1,890.00 Rs. 2,023.00Rs. 1,890.00Rs. 1,890.00 Rs. 2,023.00 -
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Amla juice
Amla Juice has multiple health benefits. Amla is one of the most widely acclaimed medicinal herbs and revered for its...
Rs. 201.00 Rs. 224.00Rs. 201.00Rs. 201.00 Rs. 224.00 -
My Store
Basant kusumakar ras (s. a. y.)
Indication: It is a traditional ayurvedic medicine useful for Diabetes, regulate blood sugar level, Rejuvenative, increases resistance power General debility,...
Rs. 3,641.00 Rs. 4,046.00Rs. 3,641.00Rs. 3,641.00 Rs. 4,046.00 -
Shilajitwadi bati
Indication: Trivang Bhasma, Nimbapatra, Gudmar, Shilajit, etc. Prameha and Diabetic are the basic components of this bati. It provides good...
From Rs. 117.00 Rs. 130.00Rs. 117.00Rs. 117.00 Rs. 130.00