
Shodhit shilajit, 20 gm.

Original price was: ₹268.00.Current price is: ₹214.40.

Indications: Shodhit Shilajit – acts as a tonic, especially useful in genito-urinary diseases and General Weakness. In addition to treating sexual diseases, it reduces the risk of cancer, heart diseases, osteoporosis, rheumatism, muscular weakness, brain and nerve problems such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease, urinary tract infections, prostate problems, sexual debility ..

Dose: For adult 250 mg to one gram (2 to 8 Ratti) per day in the morning and evening. or as directed by the Physician.

Quantity: 20 gm


शोधित शिलाजीत

गुणधर्म: यह परम पुष्टिकारण, कीटाणु नाषक एवं मूत्र विकार नाषक है।

मात्रा: पूरी उम्र वालों को 2.50 मि.ग्रा. से 1 ग्राम तक (2 से 8 रत्ती ) तक दिन में दो बार प्रातः एवं सांयकाल रोगानुसार गोदुग्ध, जल, गौमूत्र, वनस्पतियों के स्वरस तथा कषाय क्वाथ के साथ देना चाहिए।

3 in stock


Indications: Shodhit Shilajit – acts as a tonic, especially useful in genito-urinary diseases and General Weakness. In addition to treating sexual diseases it reduces the risk of cancer, heart diseases, osteoporosis, rheumatism, muscular weakness, brain and nerve problems such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease, urinary tract infections, prostate problems, sexual debility ..

Dose: For Adult : 250 mg to one gram (2 to 8 Ratti) per day in the morning and evening. or as directed by the Physician.

Quantity: 20 gm


शोधित शिलाजीत

गुणधर्म: यह परम पुष्टिकारण, कीटाणु नाषक एवं मूत्र विकार नाषक है।

मात्रा: पूरी उम्र वालों को 2.50 मि.ग्रा. से 1 ग्राम तक (2 से 8 रत्ती ) तक दिन में दो बार प्रातः एवं सांयकाल रोगानुसार गोदुग्ध, जल, गौमूत्र, वनस्पतियों के स्वरस तथा कषाय क्वाथ के साथ देना चाहिए।

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